Homeopathic meteria medica
Hemlock Spruce
Mucous membranes are affected by Abies can and gastric symptoms are most
marked, and a catarrhal condition of the stomach is produced. There are peculiar cravings
and chilly sensations that are very characteristic, especially for women with uterine
displacement, probably due to defective nutrition with debility. Respiration and heart action
labored. Wants to lie down all the time; skin cold and clammy, hands cold; very faint. Right
lung and liver feel small and hard. Gleet.
Head.--Feels light-headed, tipsy. Irritable.
Stomach.--Canine hunger with torpid liver. Gnawing,
hungry, faint feeling at the epigastrium. Great appetite, craving for meat,
pickles, radishes, turnips, artichokes, coarse food. Tendency to eat
far beyond capacity for digestion. Burning and distention
of stomach and abdomen with palpitation. Flatulence disturbs the heart's action.
Pain in right shoulder-blade, and constipation, with burning in rectum.
Female.--Uterine displacements. Sore feeling at fundus of
uterus, relieved by pressure. Prostration; wants to lie down all the time. Thinks womb is soft
and feeble.
Fever.--Cold shivering, as if blood were ice-water (Acon). Chills run down back. Cold water feeling between
shoulders (Ammon mur). Skin clammy and sticky. Night-sweat
Dose.--First to third potency.
Black Spruce
A powerful and long-acting remedy, in various forms of disease, whenever
the characteristic stomach symptoms are present. Most of the symptoms are associated with the
gastric disturbances. In dyspeptic troubles of the aged,
with functional heart symptoms; also after tea or tobacco. Constipation.
Pain in external meatus.
Head.--Hot, with flushed cheeks. Low-spirited. Dull during the
day, wakeful at night. Unable to think.
Stomach.--Pain in stomach always comes
on after eating. Sensation of a lump that hurts, as if a
hard-boiled egg had lodged in cardiac end of stomach; continual distressing
constriction just above the pit of the stomach, as if everything were knotted up. Total loss
of appetite in morning, but great craving for food at noon and night. Offensive breath.
Chest.--Painful sensation, as if something were lodged in the
chest and had to be coughed up; lungs feel compressed. Cannot be fully expanded. Worse
coughing; waterbrash succeeds cough. Choking sensation in throat. Dyspnœa; worse lying down;
sharp, cutting pain in heart; heart's action heavy and slow;
tachycardia, bradycardia.
Back.--Pain in small of back. Rheumatic pains and aching in
Sleep.--Wakeful and restless at night, with hunger. Bad dreams.
Fever.--Alternate heat and cold; chronic intermittent fever,
with pain in stomach.
Modalities.--Worse after
Relationship.--Compare: (Lump in stomach--China,
Bryon, Pulsat); also other Conifers--Thuja, Sabina,
Cupressus (painful indigestion) also Nux vom, Kali carb.
Dose.--First to thirtieth potency.
Crab's Eye Vine
Epithelioma, lupus, ulcers, granular lids.
Eyes.--Purulent conjunctivitis; inflammation spreads to face and
neck. Granular ophthalmia. Keratitis.
Relationship.--Compare: Jequiritol
(in cases of trachoma and pannus to engraft a new purulent inflammation. The proteid poisons
contained in Jequirity seeds are almost identical in their physiological and toxic properties
with the similar principles found in snake venom).
Dose.--Mother tincture diluted locally and 3x internally.
A very useful remedy in marasmus,
especially of lower extremities only, yet with good
appetite. Metastasis. Rheumatism following checked diarrhœa. Ill effects of suppressed
conditions especially in gouty subjects. Tuberculous peritonitis.
Exudative pleurisy and other exudative processes. After operation upon the chest
for hydrothorax or empyæmia, a pressing sensation remains. Aggravation of hæmorrhoids when
rheumatism improves. Nosebleed and hydrocele in boys.
Great weakness after influenza (Kali phos).
Mind.--Cross, irritable, anxious, depressed.
Face.--Wrinkled, cold, dry, pale. Blue rings around dull-looking
eyes. Comedones, with emaciation. Nosebleed. Angioma of the face.
Stomach.--Slimy taste. Appetite good, but emaciation progresses.
Food passes undigested. Pain in stomach; worse at night; cutting, gnawing pain. Stomach feels as if swimming in water; feels cold. Gnawing
hunger and whining. Indigestion, with vomiting of large quantities of offensive fluid.
Abdomen.--Hard lumps in abdomen. Distended.
Alternate diarrhœa and constipation. Hæmorrhoids; frequent urging; bloody stools; worse as
rheumatic pains abate. Ascarides. Oozing from umbilicus. Sensation as if bowels were sinking
Respiratory.--Raw feeling. Impeded respiration. Dry cough
following diarrhœa. Pain across chest; severe in region of heart.
Back.--Neck so weak cannot hold head up. Back lame, weak, and
painful. Pain in lumbar region extending along spermatic cord. Pain in sacrum, with hæmorrhoids.
Extremities.--Pain in shoulders, arms, wrists,
and ankles. Pricking and coldness in fingers and feet. Legs greatly emaciated. Joints stiff and lame. Painful
contraction of limbs (Amm mur).
Skin.--Eruptions come out on face; are suppressed, and the skin
becomes purplish. Skin flabby and loose. Furuncles. Falling out of hair. Itching chilblains.
Modalities.--Worse, cold
air, checked secretions. Better, motion.
Relationship.--Compare: Scrophularia;
Bryonia; Stellaria; Benzoic acid, in gout. Iodine, Natr
mur in marasmus.
Dose.--Third to thirtieth potency.
Common Wormwood
A perfect picture of epileptiform seizure is produced by this drug. Nervous
tremors precede attacks. Sudden and severe giddiness, delirium with hallucinations and loss of
consciousness. Nervous excitement and sleeplessness. Cerebral irritation, hysterical and
infantile spasms come within range of this remedy. Poisoning by mushrooms. Chorea. Tremor. Nervousness, excitement, and sleeplessness in children.
Mind.--Hallucinations. Frightful visions. Kleptomania. Loss of
memory. Forgets what has recently happened. Wants nothing to do with anybody. Brutal.
Head.--Vertigo, with tendency to fall
backward. General confusion. Wants head low. Pupils dilated unequally. Face blue. Spasmodic facial twitching. Dull occipital headache (Gelsem, Picric ac).
Mouth.--Jaws fixed. Bites tongue; trembles; feels as if swollen
and too large; protruding.
Throat.--Scalded sensation; as of a lump.
Stomach.--Nausea; retching; eructation. Bloated around waist and
abdomen. Wind colic.
Urine.--Constant desire. Very strong odor; deep yellow color (Kali phos).
Sexual.--Darting pain in right ovary. Spermatorrhœa, with
relaxed, enfeebled parts. Premature menopause.
Chest.--Sensation of weight on chest. Irregular, tumultuous
action of heart can be heard in back.
Extremities.--Pain in limbs. Paralytic symptoms.
Relationship.--Compare: Alcohol;
Artemisia; Hydrocy acid; Cina; Cicuta.
Dose.--First to sixth potency.
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